About Us

Total members 346

Total Withdraw 46,290.41

Founded in 2019 Credit Cleaner is a Top-Rated Credit Restoration and Debt Relief Company which offers a various suite of Credit Based Services.


All of our Services are available throughout the entire United States and some of our Services are also provided by our Partners who have over 13 years of experience helping consumers improve their Financial Life.  Our goal is to make our Services available to everyone around the world and to give everyone an equal opportunity to create Financial Freedom. Along with a fully loaded suite of Credit-Based Services, Credit Cleaner offers one of the Highest Rated Affiliate Marketing Programs in the World which is completely free to join for those who seek to earn more money, helping others improve their Financial and Credit Life.


How it works


Build a team to help others improve their credit score to

Earn Money


Membership Benefits

By becoming a Referral Agent with Credit Cleaner you will join our very unique compensation plan. Our unique tree, gives you leverage from the best, while supporting the rest !

Advertising Pool

Our membership fee is only $50 and all funds go to the company advertising pool, from where all sales are credited to the affiliates.

Retail Commission – The Power Of leverage!

Through our very unique 3x9 compensation plan you can earn from the efforts of those above and below. You can even lock in your spot for FREE with our 30 day free trial period

Client Testimonial

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